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Judge Mindy Walker RULES Michael Allmain Financial Unable and then Rules She did not Rule that.

3 years ago

Why Was Judge Mindy Walker willing to put her career, her assets, on the line for this particular dog?

It is Clear that Reality ONE or Reality TWO, one of those Judge Mindy Walker did not just err, in my opinion she committed a clear and deliberate crime as she was in court with the Defendant and His Public Attorney she gave him with a COURT ORDER Signed on January 4th, 2021.

In the Guilty VERDICT 7-13-2021 Judge Mindy Walker Says, I see here, I don’t know what that criteria is that proves financially unable. I know Michael took his dog to the wash, I know he bought his dog (6 years ago). I don’t know that there was financial hardship.

Michael did not prove why homeless, or due to being financially unable. WHAT?

On January 4th 2021, Michael’s first time appearing in his Criminal Case he was determined to be financially unable. This case was brought by Officer Wendy Davis, Evidence held by the City of Port Townsend in this Crime was a Wolf Hybrid Dog named Moses. Evidence held at CVAR, Center Valley Animal Rescue in Quilcene Washington by the City of Port Townsend.

When a litigant is financially unable they have to apply for indigency. They have to prove to the court, with convincing Evidence, such as a preponderance of Evidence, that they are financially unable, then the Court Makes a Determination if they are Financially Unable or Not Financially Unable. If not financially able the court rules FINANCIALLY UNABLE and appoints a Public Attorney, paid by the Jefferson County Taxpayers.

Judge Mindy Walker made such a Court Order/Ruling on Jan. 4th, 2021 in what I am calling Reality ONE and appointed Michael Allmain an attorney, then on July 13th, 2021 Judge Mindy Walker Moved to Reality TWO. See the Court Order RULING Michael H. Allmain Financially Unable. Click Below for That Ruling.

ON July 13th 2021, Reality TWO, Judge Mindy Walker ruled Michael Allmain GUILTY of Neglect and ABUSE, then said he did not have an Affirmative Defense because he had not proven with a preponderance of Evidence that he was Financially Unable.

Judge Mindy Walker said I have seen no record of bank accounts, no information of finances, no information on social benefits. I don’t know if he was employed or not employed, I am not finding the the defendant has met the burden of proof of the affirmative defense of him being financially unable. So the Affirmative Defense does not apply in this case.

So Folks, YOU paid Big Money for Michael Allmain to have a Public Attorney because in Reality ONE Michael Allmain proved he was financially unable and the court order ruled such, and he was appointed a public attorney. NOW in Reality Two. Michael H. Allmain has not proven he is financially unable. To Either Way the JUDGE has done something Awful at Best, Right? If he is not unable then it’s fraud to give him a free attorney, and if he is financially unable then the ruling was knowing, deliberate fraud.

You Can’t have Both Realities in the Same Court, Right? A COURT ORDER DEFENDANT Michael H. Allmain is Financially Unable. And a Court Ruling that Michael is Guilty because he has not Proven he is financially unable.

Michael Allmain was RULED Guilty at a Bench Trial with the Verdict on 7-13-2021.

Fraud on the Court? Judicial Corruption? Take a Look You Decide. Judge Mindy Walker Michael Allmain Case. THIS VIDEO ABOVE SHOWS THIS.

If you were to apply for a Public Defender in Port Townsend What would you need to do? Read Below to Understand that. So Judge Mindy Walker has alot of explaining to do to the right investigator, right?


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