The Fall of Babylon - Dark Winter 2021?

2 years ago

It seems that the powers that be have hinted at a worldwide grid down event in which would unleash anarchy and chaos and darkness upon the world. This may be a part of the UN Great Reset agenda to bring forth the New World Order of the AntiChrist (Revelation 13) out of the ashes of chaos. If this was the case, it would spell disaster and death for many many people and it could easily be explained away as cyber terrorism or a solar Flare or some other phenomenon to shirk the blame. Be prepared at all times for the rapture (Luke 21:36) because I believe terrible times are in store for the entire world.

Note - The Ken Peters' Tribulation Dream from the 1980s mentioned a resurrection of the saints and a disappearance of people around the time of a two week Blackout. Then the AntiChrist was broadcasted into everyone's homes through some sort of screen devices as he tried to persuade them to join his New Order. Something to consider.

I also find it an odd "coincidence" that the World Economic Forum held Cyber Polygon in July 2021 regarding a grid down event due to cyber security, and now the alleged Russian hackers are shutting things down all over the world? Then I found out Season 5 of the show 9-1-1 will premier in fall 2021, and it is called "Blackout" and the 11 second teaser shows LA losing power with an explosion? It sounds like this coming Grid Down event is planned by the Globalist Elite Luciferians to kick-start the economic collapse, the purge, and the Great Reset where the NWO and the AntiChrist will appear out of the midst of terrifying chaos to save the day with false solutions and deceptions (Revelation 13).

The Four Horsemen (Revelation 6) are about to ride, do you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior according to the Bible? Things can go bad at the drop of a hat.

Printable version of my left behind letter:

Corona (Crown) Virus

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