Racism at local school

3 years ago

😡😡😡😡😡😡I go to pick my son up from @gageparentsandfamilies today and he tells me that some white kid JACOB called him a NIGGER and said he don’t give a fuck about it! I’m really at a loss for words. We live in a predominantly white area in #sandiego and we thought that this school would be a great choice because of their high test scores! He said he told his teacher and that she said she would handle it but she never called us! He got in the car crying and sad and upset because of the racism. I could be black and go up there on a violent rant which would result in me going to jail, but instead I’d like for the student to be expelled! For the parents to be arrested for teaching their son this. That’s the major problem. That he feels so comfortable saying this! I did not expect my son to go to this school and be bullied, harassed & persecuted because of his race!

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