Moog of Elma, NY employees walked away from their jobs over the forced government mandates

2 years ago

Employees at Moog in Elma, NY walked off the job in protest of the vaccine mandate at noon, today 10-25-2021. These hard working American Citizens travel to and from work everyday, keeping the wheels of our County spinning proudly. They have families. They are sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers who have proudly worked for Moog for years. They are simply asking for freedom...freedom of choice. A freedom that has been granted to each and every one of us from the inception of this country. The fruits of these employees labor are being overshadowed by government overreach. When is the line drawn to say "enough is enough"? Between shortages of supplies and staffing issues, how will Moog respond to these freedom loving fighters? The event was really well organized, and even better attended. Cars started amassing at 1130a and they were lined up and down Seneca street and Jamison, as well as parked in a local establishments parking lot to capacity. All in all, we estimated there to be about 800 - 1000 people in attendance, making this the 4th largest freedom area our area has seen since March 2020 when all of these lockdowns and mandates began. Several area politicians and employees were on hand to speak to the gathering. All of the news media outlets were in attendance as well. The event began with the Pledge of Allegiance, the Star Spangled Banner and a prayer. A handful of speakers shared some words, and that at noon, the Moog employees started walking out to roars of applause and cheers. All told, approximately 300-400 Moog employees walked out of their jobs. This was in spite of the fact that we heard unconfirmed reports that management and supervision were working hard to deter anyone from participating.

There was a general sense of hope and jubilation for the amazing success of the event, however, you could definitely sense the air of dejection, betrayal and disbelief from almost every Moog employee. We had an opportunity to speak with several of them, and to the person, they all had great love and respect for the company and their coworkers.

We consider everyone of these people to be heroes and true warriors. Complete Americans who we admire for standing up for themselves and one another, and for getting so many others to back and support them. Our hope is that they will all be able to carry the momentum from this event into something that is very special and powerful. They have a unique skill set and intellect that affords them and uniquely position for a wonderful opportunity. An opportunity that may prove to be the catalyst to inspire and drive true change in our area and country. This opportunity is momentary and fleeting however. And once the cameras are gone, and the politicians and supporting groups have moved on to the newest and shiniest cause, Moog employees will in all likelihood, and as recent history has proven, will be left to fight this on their own. They have the ability, potential and capacity to truly make a difference if they can come together in a real and actionable way that has direction, purpose, focus, discipline and organization.

We watched it happen to our elderly, our children, our small businesses, our restaurants, our politicians, our schools, our colleges, our members of law enforcement, nurses, doctors, medical professionals, hospitals, government agencies and more. Every single one of these people were victimized, and they were left standing in the dust by themselves, no one there to take them by the hand and usher them to safety, even after they were assured they would.

Its not an issue to us here that Moog employees felt insulated and protected from forced mandates or that, in large part they didn't come out to support all of those before them that have been targeted and discriminated against. That is the malaise, ambivalence and disregard most of us have, and have had throughout all of this. If it doesn't affect us right now, and we think we are safe and protected, we sit on the sidelines. It only matters to us that now they see the big picture and what is happening, what has happened and what is to come. We proudly stand with them and their courageous efforts, and we always will be there to serve each and every one of them, however and whenever they need.

Where will the general public be in a short few years if society in general can't bond together in harmony and say this is the last straw? We here at The Experience Media understand the frustrations of many who are ridiculed for their beliefs, and will always stand for, with, beside, behind and next to those who are having anything being wrongfully taken from them. And, when it is required of us to stand in front of to take the brunt of the blast and shield them, we will gladly, instantly and proudly take on that role.

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