Are you a Narcissist MAGNET How to KNOW and How to REPEL them for GOOD!

2 years ago

ARE YOU A NARCISSIST MAGNET? HOW TO KNOW AND HOW TO REPEL THEM FOR GOOD! // In this video, I will explain how to know if you are a narcissist magnet and help shine some light on the question “why are you attracting narcissists or why do you keep attracting narcissists?” Are you a narcissist magnet? If so – WHATS going on? What do narcissists look for and how can you become what they don’t want? Are you wondering one or more versions of the following question…why do I attract narcissists in my life, why do I attract narcissists?, why did you attract a narcissist?, why do you attract narcissists!, why you keep attracting narcissists, why do I keep attracting narcissists, how to repel narcissists, does trauma attract narcissists, how to repel narcissists… If so, it’s time to put in the work to find out and become their repellant!

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