NB pastor compelled to sign gov't document forcing church to adhere to insane COVID-19 restrictions

3 years ago

â–ºhttp://www.SavePastorPhil.com | Help pay for Pastor Phil's legal defence
â–ºFULL REPORT: https://rebelne.ws/3GzXdXF
Pastor Phil Hutchings of His Tabernacle Family Church in Saint John, New Brunswick, is set to appear before a judge alongside other administrators of his church, who will be compelled to sign an undertaking recognizing the "beneficial intentions" of government COVID-19 policies and promising to follow them, without obstructing surveillance from law enforcement. The government demands that churches turn away the unvaccinated, keep a record of who sat in which row and pew number, forbid singing, and enforce mandatory face masks.
FULL REPORT from Mocha Bezirgan: https://rebelne.ws/3GzXdXF

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