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Secret Underground War Reaches It's Final Countdown

3 years ago

According to Val Nek, a High Commander with the Galactic Federation of Worlds, we have entered the Final Countdown in an epic behind the scenes war taking place in remote underground facilities scattered throughout the US and the rest of the planet. His latest update, relayed through his contactee, Megan Rose, gives many details on coordinated military campaigns conducted by special forces belonging to an Earth Alliance working alongside their peers from the Galactic Federation aiming to remove the last remnants of a Deep State extraterrestrial alliance ensconced in multiple underground facilities.

The is an audio version of an article published on October 27, 2021, and narrated by the author Dr. Michael Salla. For original article with links and references, go to: https://exopolitics.org/secret-underground-war-reaches-its-final-countdown/

I wish to thank Megan Rose for relaying Val Nek’s update and answers to my questions. Her YouTube channel is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBzuc3GzJtl0sHgvlB_eczA

Galactic Federations webpage on Exopolitics.org: https://exopolitics.org/gfw/

Galactic Federations, Councils & Secret Space Programs webinar is now available on Vimeo:: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/galacticfederations


  • 0/2000
  • Dr. Salla- thank you for this timely, informative report. I am sorry you & your wife will need to relocate, but I have also made this difficult decision (move out of Los Angeles to a 2nd home out of state). These strategic Western locations will go through a long struggle, I sense. Meanwhile, our efforts are much needed for the Great Awakening and resurgence of humanity!

  • Incredible news. I can feel whatever is happening and it is the strangest thing I've ever felt, hard to even describe. Thank you Dr. Salla!

  • Thank You Dr. Salla💐For Your Courage And Kindness🍃🌹🍃🐝 Taking Your Precious Time Sharing This Magnificent Video And Great News😇💙 The GALACTIC FEDERATION OF WORLDS AND EARTH ALLIANCE🌌🛸🪐🛸 Are THE GUARDIANS SAVING OUR WORLD And UNIVERSE✨❤️⭐️💚💫💜

  • Thank you so very, very much Dr. Salla. My husband and I can feel the intensity I am so sorry to hear you have to leave the Big Island as the powers that be there are going insane with their draconian measures. But gave faith you’ll be able to return when we reach the Great Rebirth.

  • Fascinating to say the least. 💕🌎🌸🇼🇫🇾🇪

  • I heard that WW2 was rewritten? Anyone else?

  • I am reading a book at the moment called "Transylvanian Sunrise" by Radu Cinemar (Translated from Romanian into English by Peter Moon.) It is about secret chambers that are 50,000 years old that have been discovered in the Busegi mountains in Romania. Alien technology from a giant and highly technically evolved alien race, had been discovered. However, as usual, initially It was all hushed up, but slowly certain aspects are being allowed to leak out. All mind blowing information, Jump rooms and travel to the 4th dimension, and if true, as I do not doubt, then it will be "World Changing". ( American USAPs are heavily involved with the Romanian Secret Services.)

  • Dr, Salla, it is most unfortunate that you are having to leave your home in Hawaii in order to safeguard your freedom. Max Igan had to do the same (Australia to Mexico) as I am sure that many, many people around the world are also having to do. In any event, since you are having to relocate, I want to mention, and this is based on a story that is too long to relay here, that a good place to be is near the center of the US (this info did not come from anything I heard on the internet - it was word of mouth). More specifically....put a pin in Joplin, MO as the center of a circle then use a radius of 200 miles.

  • Is Megan Rose Pleiadian?

  • According to the US GS maps going by History and recent you should be able to Decode exactly where things are ongoing.

  • Dr.Michael Salla. Dank met heel mijn hart dat U de mensheid de waarheid breng. Reuze blij wordt ik omdat U samenwqerkt met de Galactische Federatie van Werelden, Ook dank ik met alles wat ik in mij heb, dankbaarheid voor zo,n norme inzet! Mijn hart jubelt vanwege de enorme inzet in deze reddingsoperatie. LIEFDE LICHT en GODDELIJKE INZET. Hartegroet uit Nederland , Gerda Hoogvorst. geb. 1943

  • https://youtu.be/k2d7piV5_eU

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  • Vaccine agenda

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  • I recently started watching this channel and decided to go back to play catch up. The Maui fire already happened, and all the other channels I watch for normie news said the fire was unexpected, yet you saw the potential for an incident and left Hawaii. Congratulations for you good decision and your safety.

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