Weight Lifting Is A Waste Of Time | The Tyler Wagner Show - Dr. John Jaquish

3 years ago

In this episode of The Authors Unite Show with Dr. John Jaquish shares Weight Lifting Is A Waste Of Time.

About Dr. John:

Dr. John Jaquish began his experience in life sciences after being told by his Mother that she had been diagnosed with osteoporosis. John, in an effort to help his mother, created a device to place axial loading through bone to safely cause osteogenic loading events. The device was to trigger the effects of high-impact loading, but without the risk of injury.

After successfully reversing his Mother's osteoporosis, as part of his doctoral dissertation in biomedical engineering research at Rushmore University, he conducted four years of testing with human subjects focused on user comfort, biomechanics, and optimal musculoskeletal stimulation. Next, the device he designed was put into production, and has since been placed in over 300 clinics worldwide. Osteogenic loading has now helped over 30,000 individuals with their bone health. Published data has shown, treatment with this osteogenic loading device has resulted in over 14% gains in bone density in both the spine and hip over one year of once-weekly treatment.

Dr. Jaquish is currently advancing osteogenic loading research and speaking worldwide about its implications, as well as developing other biotechnology devices and products that will aid in the advanced health and wellbeing of people all around the world. He formerly a member of the Board of Directors of American Bone Health, and the editorial board of the Journal of Steroids and Hormonal Science.

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