"Peter's Vision" explained the correct way...

2 years ago

Archangel Michael ON AIR Show Episode #65

On today's show we will be discussing, "Peter's Vision" a truly amazing story, that unfortunately hasn't been told the way it should have been told, until now......

Most churches, religions, pastors, ministers, evangelist, scholars, self-proclaimed experts on the word of God.

Don't know the true meaning of the word, therefore, is the reason why people get bored in church, and don't listen because it's gibberish to their ears, that simply doesn't make any sense......

When Jesus walked this earth, he captivated his audience with the TRUTH, a TRUTH that none of them ever heard before.....

And that TRUTH, is what caused his murder, and the murder of all the apostles, simply because they spoke the TRUTH and expose the god of this world.....

That same TRUTH, will cause laws to be changed by the upcoming new world government coming soon, led by the Antichrist.

They will persecute, hunt down, put on trial, and execute people like me, on live tv.

For the simple reason of telling the Truth, this is nothing new, it has happened in the past, it happened to Jesus, and it will begin to happen again soon in the near future...

I have seen my death, just like Jesus did, and I know how I will die.

But on that day will not be a day to shed one tear, on that day it will be a day to rejoice.

Because on the day that they murder me, I will come back with my Lord's army in full force, to pass judgment on all evil on this world once and for all.....

It is my destiny, my mission, and it has been written.

Jesus will lead the assault, on that day, and He will give me the order to fulfill it, and I and the 144 and Jesus himself, will take out the garbage once and for all.

And finally, we shall all live in Eternal Happiness, Eternal Bliss, in Paradise, in Heaven, the Real Heaven that is called "The Pleroma"....

"In Jesus I Trust, With Jesus I Stand."
Archangel Michael

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