Tucker Carlson Tonight 28 Oct 21

2 years ago

If this is true, then perhaps THIS is peak stupid. Tucker reports tonight, and I have seen it elsewhere, that the IIC's regime is planning on paying REPARATIONS to illegal immigrants deported under President Trump. Please tell me this is being misinterpreted. Greg Abbott, the lukewarm R gov from Texas joins Tucker to explain how he is closing the barn door, sort of, long after the horse has left the barn. West4Texas.com
Lizard Cheney is going nuts about Tucker's expose on Fox Nation about the 6 Jan stop the steal protest. Oh she mad bro. Not brave enough to come on the show and defend her position though.
Now that Cuomo is out of office, watch he becomes the left's scapegoat to show how much they care.
The race for governor of VA is next with an excellent guest, Delano Squires who works with Jason Whitlock. What a great point he made:
From Tucker's guest tonight concerning the CRT drama: "What you are seeing is a Narcissistic Classrom Cosplay that involves two groups in the elite privileged class; White Liberals seeking absolution for sins they didn't commit and Black Liberals seeking empathy for injustices they didn't endure." EXACTLY.
Crazy Vaxx mandate story about organ transplant denied because no of no vaccine.
Jason Miyares speaks to Tucker about VA AG race. Sharp guy.

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