'Checks and balances are absent' under Victoria’s new proposed pandemic bill

2 years ago

'Checks and balances are absent' under Victoria’s new proposed pandemic bill

A new proposed bill to divert pandemic powers to the Premier of Victoria will give Daniel Andrews and the state health minister “pretty much unbridled power to do as they wish”, according to Barrister Paul Hayes QC.

“It's very important that the checks and balances that operate on the executive to ensure that that power is carefully and responsibly exercised are in place,” Mr Hayes told Sky News host Peta Credlin.

“Under this new bill, those checks and balances are absent and so it effectively gives the premier and the minister for health pretty much unbridled power to do as they wish once the premier declares a pandemic or makes … what’s called a pandemic declaration."

Mr Hayes said one of the concerns is the pace of getting the legislation passed through state parliament because “there’s no urgency” for it to be implemented now.

“You have to raise the question, what’s the hurry?”

Remember these words people COMMUNITY REPRESENTATIVES. They are clearly not representing the community and this should be grounds to have the government removed from office

Proposal to give sweeping tyrannical powers to a psychopath, what could go wrong?

Wake up! Put Andrews in jail! Not the citizens.. This is beyond comprehension that anyone would agree with this..

People from all over Australia should be worried about this. This will set a very bad precedent for the whole country. Frankly, indifference and complacency of the majority of general population, politicians, the opposition and media about this is astonishing.

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