No Covid Deaths - All Remdesivir Murders - 53.1% Mortality in Ebola Trials

2 years ago

Covid-19 has been surrounded by massive lies since the very beginning. The first lie was that hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were either dangerous or ineffective. However, hundreds of studies at and prove they are very effective, especially when started within 2 - 3 days of symptoms starting.

Therein lies the trick - starting treatment early on an outpatient basis. Across the nation, people in the early stages are and have been sent home with no treatment if the doctor or hospital determines they are not sick enough to be admitted.

They are told to return if an emergency occurs, such as trouble breathing. By then, the virus has overwhelmed the body, making it difficult to treat.

The doctors and hospitals will then start the patients on Remdesivir. Why? Because the NIH mandated it be part of any and all inpatient treatments. They even bribe the hospitals with a 20% bonus for Medicare patients if Remdesivir is used.

So why the Remdesivir push? The NIH has a Covid Advisory Group. Several members of the group, including 2 of the 3 co-chairs, has financial ties to Gilead Sciences... and Gilead Sciences is the maker of Remdesivir. The advisory group recommended against hydroxychloroquine and the pushing of Remdesivir.

Remdesivir was originally developed to treat Ebola. Fauci, through the NIAID, paid for a 4 - drug trial for Ebola, which included Remdesivir. Remdesivir was the first drug pulled from the trial because it had a mortality rate of 53.1%.

In just 10 days of use, it causes kidney / liver failure in 23% of the patients.

The failure of Remdesivir, along with several lawsuits for harmful medical practices, had put Gilead Sciences into financial trouble. They have lost 10 of their top level executives over the past 2 years, including their CEO. Along comes Covid and they see a solution to their financial problems.

Dr. Ardis provides a great deal of essential information... ways to build your immune system to lower your chance of catching Covid, how to treat yourself if you catch Covid, how to treat yourself from the Covid vaccines. He also provides information on what to do to protect yourself or a loved one that may end up in the hospital with Covid.

This information includes a government source authorizing the use of ivermectin, which most doctors do not know about and how to stand up to those that will try to browbeat you into accepting Remdesivir. Don't trust them. Watch them like a hawk. Lives depend on it.

You will also learn of places to get hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin to keep on hand, just in case.

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