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The Bible is Art | Introduction

3 years ago

In this first video I talk about what genius is, how the Bible is literary genius, and describe what we will be doing in this channel.

The Bible is the greatest work of literary genius. And The Bible is Art is a YouTube Channel devoted to explaining this literary art in all its sophistication, elegance, and design.

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thebibleisart

Music: Kai Engel - coelum (http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Kai_Engel). Some slight editing for increasing length.

email: thisdivineart@gmail.com
twitter: @johnbhiggins
website: https://www.thebibleisart.com

| How to Learn to Read the Bible as Literary Art |
Reading Biblical Narrative: An Introductory Guide (https://amzn.to/30LzaRa)
Narrative Art in the Bible (https://amzn.to/30RVGIb)
The Art of Biblical Narrative (https://amzn.to/3aDrIfk)
Old Testament Narrative: A Guide to Interpretation (https://amzn.to/38rcE2C)
The Poetics of Biblical Narrative (https://amzn.to/2Gh4cqE)

| Literary Structure |
Literary Structure of the Old Testament (https://amzn.to/30Jdm8X)
Style And Structure In Biblical Hebrew Narrative (https://amzn.to/2RDTTlQ)

| Genesis |
Creation: The Story of Beginnings - Grossman (https://amzn.to/2GlPwq9)
Abram to Abraham: A Literary Analysis of the Abraham Narrative - Grossman (https://amzn.to/2v7id7Z)
Narrative Art in Genesis - Fokkelman (https://amzn.to/2ulmd4t)
A Commentary on the Book of Genesis (Part I) - Cassuto (https://amzn.to/2NOAhdt)
A Commentary on the Book of Genesis (Part II) - Cassuto (https://amzn.to/2Gcuk6d)
Genesis: A Commentary - Waltke (https://amzn.to/2vaBvt7)
The Gospel of Genesis: Studies in Protology and Eschatology - Gage (https://amzn.to/2RGjRFo)
Abraham and All the Families of the Earth: A Commentary on the Book of Genesis 12-50 - Janzen (https://amzn.to/2TVyCqJ)
Genesis 1-15, Volume 1 - Wenham (https://amzn.to/2TQnYRO)
Genesis 16-50, Volume 2 - Wenham (https://amzn.to/3aDY21J)

The Bible is Art channel is devoted to explaining the literary art of the Bible.

#bible #genesis #art #literature

| Transcription |
The Bible is the greatest work of a literary genius and I want to show you how. Let's start with genius. And to do this let's think about three works of extraordinary genius. The first one is Caravaggio's painting “Narcissus”. Now you've probably seen this before, it's about the myth Narcissus, the Greek myth, and it's about this man who so self-obsessed and self-absorbed that one day he catches a glimpse of himself in the reflection in a pool of water and he's so enamored by himself that he ends up dying staring at himself being so “narcissistic”. And that's Caravaggio's painting. Pretty simple right?

The second one is Plato's “Republic”, arguably one of the greatest pieces of philosophical work ever written. I want to read to you just the first line of the Republic it starts like this, “I went down to the Piraeus”. That's it now it's pretty straightforward. It's setting the scene so we get the location, they're going down it's actually Plato and Socrates and they're going down where to the Piraeus which is this port town where a lot of people are and so the the author Plato is just establishing the main characters the setting, and the first action of the plot - they're going down to the Piraeus. Pretty straightforward