Waterfall Patterson NY USA Michael Ciaiola Conservation Area Hiking Trail

3 years ago

Waterfall Patterson NY USA Michael Ciaiola Conservation Area Hiking Trail October 16th 2021

Michael Ciaiola Conservation Area

Great Gorge Waterfall - Quaker Brook Water Stream - along side of Cranberry Mountain in Patterson NY USA

New York State and Connecticut state line area

New York State - The Empire State - Patterson Town - Putnam County - Michael Ciaiola Conservation Area

Connecticut - Constitution State - New Fairfield Town - Fairfield County - Great Hollow Nature Preserve & Ecological Research Center


Michael Ciaiola Conservation Area:

This conservation area consists of over 800 acres and is Putnam County’s largest. The property was once owned by Walter G. Merritt. It was previously known as Merritt Park, and consisted of around 600 acres.

Wildlife abounds in this conservation area. One may see deer, turkey, bobcat, bear, along with various songbirds and small mammals.

One of the most popular spots is the great gorge waterfall. This is located just north of the old Merritt campsite.

Location: There are two trailheads with parking areas on Stage Coach Road in Patterson and a larger parking area on Haviland Hollow Rd.

Conservation Area Rules:

Please enjoy your time here.
Respect nature and others.
Please have your dog/s under control at all times.
NYS DEC regulations have to be followed when fishing.
No littering! Please leave only your footsteps behind.

Hunters Wear Orange

So Should You

For your safety during

Hunting seasons,

Visitors on these lands

Should wear orange

Be Safe – Be Seen

Various hunting seasons in New York State run from September through March & May 1st to May 31st.
Horseback riding is permitted on trails only.
Mountain-biking is permitted on trails only, with the exception of the blue trail.
Please do not leave valuables in your car; if you must, leave them locked in the trunk.
Trail Map:

Michael Ciaola Trails

About Michael Ciaiola

Michael Thomas Ciaiola was well known as President of the Putnam County Land Trust and for his work with FROGS (Friends of the Great Swamp). Former County Executive Robert Bondi remembered Mr. Ciaiola as part of a “dedicated group of stewards of the Earth.” Michael and a handful of other activists drafted the most important piece of legislation ever to be passed by the Putnam Legislature – Resolution 555 of the year 1984-1985 – adopted a policy for the preservation of open spaces in Putnam County. Michael was frequently consulted to develop lake management studies, stream improvement projects and community environmental protection plans throughout the county.

Legislative Resolution #135 of 2002 – recognized the great impact the Michael Ciaiola had on Putnam County and officially changed the name of “Walter G. Merritt Conservation Area” to the “Michael Ciaiola Conservation Area”.

About George C. Cain

George C. Cain, a New York City firefighter who died at the World Trade Center on 9/11/01, was a resident of the Town of Patterson in Putnam County. George and his friends would run, hike, cross-country ski and mountain bike the many beautiful trails of Putnam County. George was always interested in improving any trail he used. He would pick up any litter he found on his hikes and he always had an idea on how to improve the trails for better use.

Legislative Resolution 238 of 2001, proclaimed a trail loop

Great Hollow Nature Preserve & Ecological Research Center

Nature preserve totals approximately 825 acres, spanning the towns of New Fairfield and Sherman, Connecticut. It is contiguous or nearly contiguous with thousands of acres of additional protected land in Connecticut and neighboring New York, including Pootatuck State Forest, Squantz Pond State Park, Michael Ciaiola Conservation Area, Cranberry Mountain Wildlife Management Area, and the Great Swamp. The preserve is predominantly second growth, upland, deciduous forest and also contains a freshwater stream, beaver impoundment, emergent wetlands, vernal pools, and old fields. More than 4 miles of hiking trails wind throughout the western side of the preserve and are open to the public for passive recreation year-round. Facilities at the preserve include housing accommodations, catering kitchen, offices, a wet lab, a lecture room, a conference room, multiple historic barns, and indoor and outdoor event space.


Video cameo from:
Johnathan Morpurgo aka JoMo relaxing on boulders


#WaterFall #WaterFalls #Hike #Hiking #Swim #Swimming #MichaelCiaiola #MichaelCiaiolaConservationArea #MichaelCiaiolaHikingTrail #GreatHollow #GreatHollowNaturePreserve #Patterson #PattersonNY #PattersonNewYork #CranberryMountain #QuakerBrook #River #Stream #PutnamCounty #NY #NewYork #NewYorkState #StateOfNewYork #NYLovesFall #FallFoliage #AutumnFoliage #Fall #Autumn #Mabon #Halloween #TheEmpireState #TownOfPatterson #PutnamCounty #ConservationArea #Connecticut #ConstitutionState #NewFairfield #FairfieldCounty #USA #NewEngland #NaturePreserve

Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max Smartphone 4K video

October 16th 2021
New York USA

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