Democratic Dumpster Fire Bill Now $1.75T | Schaftlein Report

2 years ago

Democratic Dumpster Fire Bill Now $1.75T | Schaftlein Report
Guest: Gary Demar - American Vision President ( )
1) Democrats tax and spend proposal in disarray - Moderates and socialists at war. Biden went to the Hill and got nothing for laying out "Framework"
Paid Family Leave - GONE
2) 65% of Suburban voters think excessive government spending and debt along with overly generous unemployment benefits and expanded social welfare spending is hurting the economy
3) 78% of Suburban Voters believe Public Schools are failing and 59% think the Biden Administration was and is Incompetent in how it handled the Afghanistan Withdrawal
4) Stock Market is at record highs - Will the Federal Reserve start Tapering in November and when will they raise rates to fight the Inflation
The money supply has grown 20% in the past year
5) GDP grows at 2% in Q-3
6) Biden flies to Europe for Climate conference - No Border visits though
7) McConnell joins Trump in endorsing Hershel Walker in Georgia Senate run
8) Virginia Governors race in dead heat. CRT emerges as the hot issue
9) Gender "X" on Passports?
10) Florida reaches lowest Corona virus Case Rate in U.S.
11) Garland defends "Domestic Terrorist" label - Cotton eviscerates him
12) Vaccine Mandates causing shortage of police in NYC - Fire Stations to close

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