What Messages are Parents Sending?

2 years ago

What messages are parents sending their young kids when they put them into organized youth sports? In my opinion they are sending the message that they are inadequate. The parents put their young child into organized youth sports to get a supposed head start. The parent thus at least implies that the child needs a head start to make it in the sport or maybe in life in general. The child then sees that their parents are so into the sport and their success in it. Thus the child begins to believe that their performance in the sport in more important than they are themselves to the parents.
The child also can get the message that there is something wrong with them for not wanting to be involved in organized youth sports at a young age. They may begin to think there is something wrong with them because this is where their parents want them to be. And they may get the message that there is something wrong with the authentic play that they so enjoy. They even can get the message form parents that free authentic play is a waste of time. The parents often think that their children have to use the vast majority of the time preparing for the future if they have any chance at all to make it. Just the opposite it true, they are better able to deal with the world and are more adjusted if they get plenty of free play growing up.
The kids though want the love of their parents so they go along even though they are miserable.
And parents don't even question whether they should put their children into organized youth sports. It is a given with them, so they often have no clue about the harm they are doing to the child.
Children wan to play, let them play.

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