Two Wandering Investors on finding the best investments around the Globe

3 years ago

Undervalued Shares website:
Free Weekly Dispatches:

The Wandering Investor website:
The Wandering Investor free Private List:

00:00 Introduction and who is Swen Lorenz?
02:14 Why traveling for investments?
04:10 Real estate in Egypt
06:00 Meeting experts in their fields
08:04 What investments is Swen looking at currently?
11:00 Crisis investing
14:38 Real estate in Ukraine
16:40 How does Swen research exotic opportunities?
21:50 How does Swen expect the world to be like in 10 years (tough question!)?

My favourite low-fee brokerage for trading stocks internationally:

No part whatsoever of the discussion and presentation is, or should be considered as, investment advice, financial advice, legal advice, or tax advice. Always do proper due diligence and speak to a qualified professional advisor in your jurisdiction.

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