45 Yr Old FBI Special agent Dies 24 hours After Pfizer Shot. Widow Responds To Vx Pushers

2 years ago

"Medical examiner has rules it to be a coincidence." If you get vaxxed, immediately feel extremely bad and die within 24 hours, it's not because of the vax but due to a "coincidence". If you get hit by a bus and have a positive hyper oversensitive PCR test result or even suspicion of COVID, it's because of COVID. If a 92 year old person with diabetes, morbid obesity and stage 4 cancer dies with a positive PCR but without flu-like symptoms, it's still a COVID death. And then people wonder why there is such widespread distrust in authorities and 'science'.

Why query all-cause mortality? Because official reporting has no integrity and we are facing an epidemic of coincidence.

Source: https://twitter.com/Red_Pill_Led/status/1452843038691131392

Announcement of death by FBI Phoenix: https://twitter.com/FBIPhoenixCAAA/status/1385030642711232515

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