📖🕯 Holy Bible - Joshua 1 with Matthew Henry Commentary at the end.

2 years ago

📖 This chapter is about: The Lord appoints Joshua to succeed Moses, God promises to assist Joshua, Preparation to pass over Jordan, The people promise to obey Joshua.

🕯 How does this apply today?: Serving God is a task that shouldn't be taken lightly. Great honor and responsibility comes with the service that God calls all his saints to perform.

"Jesus replied, “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God." ~ Luke 9:62 (NIV)

📖 About the book: The book of Joshua. Joshua functioned as Moses' assistant in the books of Exodus and Numbers, and later succeeded Moses as leader of the Israelite tribes in the Bible. Here is the history of Israel's passing into the land of Canaan, conquering and dividing it, under the command of Joshua, and their history until his death. The power and truth of God in fulfilling his promises to Israel, and in executing his justly threatened vengeance on the Canaanites, are wonderfully displayed. This should teach us to regard the tremendous curses denounced in the word of God against impenitent sinners, and to seek refuge in Christ Jesus.

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