Personal Complimentary MTF Subliminal That I Made For Myself!

2 years ago

My personal female transformation affirmations:
All my male clothes are now forced to rapidly transform into flexible female clothing, all your males clothes are now forced to rapidly transform into flexible female clothing, all my hair pigments are now forced to change to a dark pink color, all your hair pigments are now forced to change to a dark pink color, my body is now being forced to change from male to female, your body is now being forced to change from male to female, i will now forget that I was ever a boy, you will now forget that you were ever a boy, my mind is now being filled with female memories of myself, your mind is now being filled with female memories of yourself, everyone that I have ever met will now remember me as a girl since birth, everyone that you have ever met will now remember you as a girl since birth, everyone that I have ever met will now call me Ally, everyone that you have ever met will now call you Ally, I am getting results every time I eat, sleep, and breathe, you are getting results every time you eat, sleep, and breathe

Note: this sub was made for visualization purposes. If you these desired features as well as to fully transform into a girl. I would recommend that you listen to this video and another mtf video with more detail affirmations

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