RAP NEWS | Crimea: Media War Games - feat. Abby Martin

3 years ago

RAP NEWS 23: CRIMEA MEDIA WAR-GAMES. It's March 2014 and following on from an extremely successful Winter Olympic Games, Russia decides to organise another fun sporting event: and the whole world's invited. Welcome to the Paramilitary Games in the Crimean Peninsula. Unfortunately, in spite of Russia's best intentions, the Western Media doesn't seem to enjoy the event as much as anticipated, and spits the dummy in a way that exceeds even its #SochiFail histrionics. The battle lines are drawn: it's East versus West in a good old fashioned media cold-shoulder war, with each side firing 24 hour news cycle broadsides at each other with alacrity. Join your host Robert Foster, caught squarely in the cross-fire as he attempts to navigate the salvos, and find some underlying truth. It's Mutually Assured Mass-Media Destruction: Crimedia Wars - and the stakes are high - who will win the War of Perception? It's Juice Rap News, in the thick of it, as usual... Hysteria Is Happening.

­Written & created by Giordano Nanni & Hugo Farrant in a suburban backyard home studio in Melbourne, Australia, ­on Wurundjeri Land.


BEAT: "Russian Roulette" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zp92...
and "Rock da Spot" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PP-3E...
by Profetesa: http://www.profetesa-beats.com
Additional orchestration and composition work by Adrian Sergovich and Damian Tapley.
BIG props to Abby Martin https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2Xd... for appearing, as herself, and to the whole crew of Breaking the Set for being part of the fun! Thanks to Zoë Umlaut http://www.zoeamandawilson.wordpress.com for appearing as Daenerys Targ... er Yulia Tymoshenko.
Tymoshenko vocals by Lucy Cahill; Chevron ad voiceover by Alesa Lajana.
Animations by Rap News fx-­wizard, Jonas Schweizer - aka Kookybone. Images by Photoshop ninja Zoe Tame: http://www.visualtonic.com.au.
Make­-up courtesy of Rosie Dunlop. Props assistance by Zoë Umlaut from Umlautronics.
Shoot assistance and all round legendary support by Damian Tapley. Special thanks to Grigori for consultation on Russian stuff, and to David Rawlinson for sharing his thought on this topic. Thanks to Koolfy from http://nurpa.be for creating the sync'd English captions for all our episodes. Costumes and wigs styled and provided by the awesome people down at Rose Chong http://www.rosechong.com.

All acting by Hugo, Giordano, Zoë and Abby Martin
All vox (except Tymoshenko and Abby Martin) by Hugo
Tymoshenko vox by Lucy Cahill
Video and music editing by Giordano

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- Thanks to Koolfy for creating the original English srt file
- Thanks to Euclides for the Portuguese (Brasileiro) translation
- Thanks to Jonas Maebe for the Dutch translation
- Thanks to Julie Chatagnon for the French translation
- Thanks to FL-Bremen for the German translation
- Thanks to Tamara L for the Serbian translation
- Thanks to No Mercy for the Russian translation
- Thanks to Vojta and Lery for Czech translation
- Thanks to Frederik E-C for Danish translation
- Thanks to Wojtek Satoshi for Polish translation
- Thanks to Jonathan Barner for Hebrew translation
- Thanks to Lia D. For Finnish translation
- Thanks to Dubiloo for Spanish translation

If you'd like to translate this episode into your language, please contact us via our website: http://www.thejuicemedia.com/contact

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