Penguin Looking Around/Penguins are funny and cute when walking

2 years ago

The penguins on the Two Oceans Aquarium in Cape Town, South Africa, discover the aquarium as they take their day-by-day stroll.

“The penguin stroll is something that takes place each day. Many of our team of workers have very unique bonds with unique animals in the Aquarium. I am positive that in this time, those bonds are bolstered and others are being formed. Staff are truely the usage of this time to attention absolutely at the animals and the exhibits”, says Renée Leeuwner, Media and Communications Executive for the Aquarium.

Teddy, Wallace, Grommet, Roxy, Bubbles, Hopper, Nicki, Jasmin, Alex, EL, Clax, Harold Custard, and Chippie Goodwill are Northern Rockhopper penguins. “These penguins waddle up and down the steps among the seaside show off in which they stay and our deeper Kelp Forest Exhibit in which they swim each morning. This is in which they get their morning exercise, and it facilitates them building up an urge for food for lunch for after they get lower back downstairs”, says Leeuwen.

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