Leila Centner on Pulling Your Children from Schools that Abuse Them

2 years ago


As Dr. Anthony Fauci takes the stage at the White House today to detail plans to vaccinate 28M children age 5-11, Pfizer & Moderna rake in a combined $93 Billion dollars, the WHO database reports over 2 million Covid-19 vaccine injuries, and the Trusted News Initiative continues to pocket Bill Gates & Big Pharma money to suppress Covid cures and slander those that don't tow the Big Pharma- Big Gov - Big Media narrative that everyone must get vaccinated, one voice is standing up against all of that insanity to protect the children in her private Miami school.

And for that act of bravery, Leila Centner has become the focus of the red-hot-rage of the big pharma paid media. "This is what happens in America when you stand up for the safety of children nowadays. Sess Levin at Vanity Fair calls you mean names. Guess what? That's never going to stop me because the health and wellbeing of these children is my sole focus" says Leila Centner, who rightfully calls herself the Chief Happiness Officer and Co-Founder of Centner Academy.

This week Leila's school, Centner Academy, took reasonable action and asked parents that if they were considering vaccinating their children to "hold off until the Summer when there will be time for the potential transmission or shedding onto others to decrease." Parents at the school overwhelmingly agreed with the idea, and thanked school administrators for making this decision. Centner Academy added "because of the potential impact on other students and our school community, vaccinated students will need to stay at home for 30 days post-vaccination for each dose and booster they receive, and may return to school after 30 days as long as the student is healthy and symptom-free. While we respect everyone’s choice, we do need to act in the best interest of the school community."

This move by Centner comes in response to the most recent Big Gov + Big Pharma Marketing Push to jab an experimental substance into children, of which we still don't know the full list of ingredients or the long term side effects. But our Government Health Agencies have all deemed it safe for pregnant women and children. Why?

And Leila is not wrong for being terrified about the potential impact on children considering the numerous reports of teens and adults experiencing myocarditis and a plethora of other health issues for those who have received the COVID vaccine. From The Defender's Top 10 Reasons Not To Let Your Child Get The Covid Shot "Adolescents are reporting serious COVID vaccine injuries, including cardiac problems and deaths. COVID vaccine injury reports for the 12-17 age group almost quadrupled from May 14 to May 21, going from 943 to 3,449 adverse events—including 58 injuries rated as serious. The next week, the COVID vaccine injury total for that age group jumped by another 37% to 4,750, comprising 209 serious injuries and five deaths attributed to cardiac arrest. A current search of that database finds 36 cases where 6yo to 18yo were vaccinated and the Child Died as of 10/20/21.

36 dead children. Why is that not in the news? Why aren't the health agencies pulling the vaccine? Why would Anthony Fauci be at the White House today still pushing the vaccine on children?

A study published in June in Pediatrics documented seven teens hospitalized for heart inflammation within four days of receiving their second Pfizer shots. 18 Adolescents are also experiencing blood clots and Guillain-Barré syndrome. A 17-year-old Utah athlete developed blood clots in his brain one day after receiving his first Pfizer injection.

But despite all of this, the Big Pharma Vaccination Marketing Monster continues to march across America, with its trusted allies, Big Media, lying for it. Just this week a major deception by the New York Times was revealed. They want you to believe that Covid runs rampant in children, which it most certainly does not. The New York Times, part of the Trusted News Initiative, had to withdraw their Big Pharma propaganda story which said nearly 900,000 children have been hospitalized with COVID in the U.S., when the actual number is 63,000.

We saw this same manipulation of numbers to create fear to sell the vaccine in 2020 at the start of the Covid plan.

And yet, we are asked to trust the news, and the guys in the white lab coats. Do you? Do you trust them with your children's life?

Many parents believe now is the best time to pull your children out of public school and homeschool them. Leila Centner agrees saying "Homeschooling is the answer for parents who put their children's health over politics. There are no other private schools like mine taking this stand in America. That is a shame. Everyone in public schools seems to be buying and selling this Big Pharma narrative, all the while our children are dying and being injured for life by this experimental vaccine. Children should not be lab rats! What is wrong with these people? Parents, please homeschool. I beg you."

BIO: Leila Centner is Chief Happiness Officer and Co-Founder of Centner Academy, a privately held school that combines a deep commitment to emotional intelligence, mindfulness, and happiness with a challenging curriculum featuring language immersion, entrepreneurial thinking, problem solving, creativity, and collaboration. Using a strengths-based approach to learning, all Centner Academy students and teachers have opportunities to do what they love across the curriculum through project- and problem-based learning. Leila is on a personal mission to save the children by providing a happy, safe environment where kids can be kids. A proud mother of two daughters, Leila graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Southern California’s School of Accounting and received her MBA from the University of California.

WEBSITE: www.centneracademy.com

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