Wedding Bells Are Ringing - Again - at the White House Press Office

2 years ago

"In the event that you join the press group, you get hitched," Press Secretary Jen Psaki kidded Tuesday during her broadcast preparation

Is there something in the water over at the White House press office?

"In the event that you join the press group, you get hitched," Press Secretary Jen Psaki kidded Tuesday from

The platform during her broadcast instructions. "That is my guarantee."

Twice this month, Psaki declared that an individual from her staff is getting some much needed rest to seal the deal.

"Emilie [Simons] is here," Psaki, 42, said, alluding to a press assistant. "I requested that she get over here on the grounds that Emilie is getting hitched on Saturday and we're exceptionally invigorated for her."

After some praise, Psaki gave Assistant Press Secretary Simons a white scarf with

Gold letters that read "Lady to Be."

Then, at that point, her supervisor paused for a minute to boast about Simons. "Emilie, who has been a piece of this group since this spring … came from an intel foundation. We requested that she become a specialist on the economy. She's gotten her graduate degree in financial aspects and been a fantastic individual from the group."

Furthermore, likewise with the past staff wedding, Psaki reminded the White House press corps to allow Simons to partake in her downtime. "It's not possible for anyone to call or email Emilie while she's gone on her vacation," Psaki said. "She can toss her telephone in the stream."

Of the on-camera festivity, Simons tells

Individuals: "Jen demonstrates over and over that she

Is the most insightful and steady chief."

She and her life partner are wanting to wed in

Her local California, having rescheduled their

Date twice because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"I'm invigorated for this next part with my prospective spouse!" she says.

On Oct. 8, Psaki gave Deputy White House

Press Secretary Chris Meagher comparable treatment before he got some much needed rest for his wedding and vacation.

"I got him a little unique band to wear, only for the preparation, since everyone should realize that Chris is wedding up, as many individuals do," Psaki said at that point. "We simply needed to praise Chris, commend him. The main choice you make is the individual you decide to be your accomplice."

"My face is most likely beet red," Meagher said as his manager gave him the scarf.

Psaki answered, "Happy you have your veil on."

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