SHOT - Freedom to Choose - Amika T

3 years ago

The Sovereign Hikoi of Truth's destination is Waitangi for the anniversary celebration of He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Nu Tirene: the Declaration of Independence of the United Tribes of New Zealand on 28 October 1835.

Waitangi (Weeping Waters), is a sacred place for the Maori Tangata Whenua, and the meeting place with the British Crown in Nu Tirene / New Zealand's formative years.

Today, as the large number of people in the Hikoi are being blocked from attending by the draconian measures of a corporate government representing a corporate crown and elite globalist interests and not the interets of the free living indivual sovereign beings of this land, so this year's anniversary has an even more special meaning.

The anniversay events have started, but how will they unfold this year?

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