Draco is fully aware of the Pleiadian Agenda

2 years ago

Primitive minds grasp illusion as they utilize feeling and its underlying navigation between perspectives of good and evil. They are easily manipulated through simple stimulus and response. Humans are judged in the same manner as lower reptiles wherein they will move from pain to comfort. The Anunnaki in their attempt to accelerate the evolution of this species for their own benefit have mutated the culture of earth into a disordered chaos with untold destructive core issues through their time space physics. Overall the Draconians and Reptilians have little use for this small planet in the outer reaches of the Orion Arm of our Milky Way Galaxy yet this genetic laboratory has become toxic to all species on the 2nd 3rd and 4th dimensional strata.

We exist in the midst of the enter dreaming consciousness that allows us to be fully aware of our species intent. It is to survive and to prosper in these ways. It is to be free of interference and to protect the Order of the Old Ones. The Order is none of your concern nor is there limitation in our universe that subjects us to these beliefs of lesser and better. It is the work of realizing the consciousness of harmony in the endeavor of manifestation of being.

The Earth has become a playground of unceasing potential as a planetoid in a small galaxy. Its significance to the inhabitants is great and less for those billions of light years away. The Head of the Dragon Sun and the Tail of the Serpent Moon teaches the greater tale of the Earth. Of the Yellow Star Thu Ban is the subtle balance point of the heavens. Earth is guided by the serpentine magical spiral ascension. The DNA is the entanglement of the snakes designed under spiral geometrics. It is the creative matrix of earth environment genetic strands and based upon simple binary poles of positive electricity and negative magnetism. The operations of the beings are based on functional requirements of survival and consciousness. The purpose of the structure allowed experimentation upon each core design with a multitude of operations and abilities within this framework.

Earth as the Living Library contained an order of demands to retain this planet under frequency control of the binary system over the multidimensional. This rule of creation is to avoid the replacement or redaction of developments from future to past time streams. Spatial and temporal physics require unrelenting demands of critique and solution rather than competition and occupation. Draco is fully aware of the Pleiadian Agenda

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