Who Will Win Fight Tallest Animal Giraffe vs King Of Jungle Lion

3 years ago

A lion and a giraffe are no match for a fight. A lion can never defeat a giraffe due to its colossal size and height. A lone lion manages to kill animals like a Zebra, Wilderbeast or a young buffalo by biting its throat/windpipe and suffocating it to death. However, giraffes are so tall that a lion can never reach its throat for a bite. The only way a lion can reach a giraffe's windpipe is when the giraffe is knocked off its feet and a single lion cannot knock off such a big animal by itself.
There are instances where a big pride of lions successfully manage to overpower a giraffe and it takes a massive effort. One kick from a giraffe is enough to break or dislocate a lion’s jaw or even break its limb and giraffes are known for kicking. So a lone lion can never overpower an adult giraffe. A giraffe calf is something that a lion can fancy its chances against, but never ever an adult giraffe.

The lion would easily have its spine broken in two by a single kick from the giraffe—if you haven't noticed, giraffes are much, much larger than lions and their legs are designed for this very purpose. He'd have a tough time hunting down the giraffe if he didn't have a working nervous system, eh?Adult male lions technically can kill young giraffes, but usually it takes around three to five or more fit lions working together to successfully catch a full-grown one.

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