Major irregularities in Franklin Alderman Election, 10/26/21

2 years ago

I was a poll watcher at Legacy Middle School in Franklin from 2:30PM until 7:15PM on 10/26/21. The first scanner/tabulation machine was taken down and tallied at 6:50PM. It should have tabulated 163 votes (per the redundancy with other systems), but only counted 79 votes. The second scanner/tabulation machine was taken down and tallied at 7:10PM. It should have tabulated 167 votes, but only counted 19. I watched the precinct superintendent and another poll worker seal the tabulation device/ballot bin with a hard plastic lid. The precinct superintendent denied my request to photograph or otherwise record the serial number of the tabulation machine/ballot bin. I watched all poll workers exit the facility through the front door to the school and did not witness anyone remove the two sealed ballot bins before I left the area.

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