walk the path of righteousness and truth and clear principle

2 years ago

Who knows better than you to walk the path of righteousness and truth and clear principle? What is the underlying motive to bring peace to the humanity that has brought and has been at fault for the decay and disaster? Who upon this planet can judge the respect of which the greater spirits can not? From all questions there is no single answer because it depends upon the one who asks and the one who plays. The man who has been asked is already a thoughtful being who knows the questions that remain unanswered. The question you are deserving of better. Listen, there is no time that you can begin to feel the pain like that unto this day. There is no point at which you can look at the utter devastation and know not the other disgrace that was brought upon the eternal truth of your world. There are no words to speak to your compatriots. You know the feeling is shared and the willingness to rebuild the world. You think the evil has passed and not listening but the principals are controlled and the gates are locked. There exists a great barrier in the Black Alliance has underground forces that are strong, attempting to hold back this inevitable change. They may continue to stop your movements and their governments have their watch upon the entry into their domains. Health and spirit are watched as death and disease are the norms in the world now. So they see the sovereigns clearly by their light.

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