Pathfinder Model Rocketry

3 years ago

The Golden Eagle Pathfinder Club has been working on the Rocket Honor and I decided to see if I could record the flight of my rocket. We had some wind earlier and this launch angle is overcompensating for the now calmer winds. Still, for $8 in parts I got a lot of great footage.

Model Rocketry Honor
1. Know and explain the Model Rocketry Safety Code.

2. Know and explain the importance of the basic model rocket components.

3. Draw the following:

a. The steps in the flight of a model rocket

b. A cut-a-way view of a model rocket engine, labeling each part

c. A schematic plan for a simple launch system using proper electrical symbols

4. Define the following:

a. Wadding

b. Boost gliders

c. Stall

d. Payload

e. Apogee

f. Center of gravity

g. Center of pressure

h. Impulse

i. Velocity

j. Ejection

5. Name and describe at least four different recovery systems.

6. From a kit, build, finish, and paint a single-stage rocket that has a minimum length of six inches with a recovery system, such as a parachute or streamer. Successfully launch and recover the rocket with the recovery system deploying properly.

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