Age 5-11 FDA Review Board on EUA Pfizer Vaccines: Steve Kirsch Presents on 10/26/21

3 years ago

Steve Kirsch, Speaks to FDA Vaccine Committee regarding the EUA Review for Ages 5-11-year-olds. Serious data signals concerning children exist. Why are children dropping like flies after the vaccine? How can a healthy 16-year-old drop dead during a Math Zoom class? Why did a 15-year-old die in his sleep? How were all these safety signals missed including Pulmonary Embolism, Thrombosis, Myocarditis, Ischaemic stroke, DVT? Questions you need to ask before approving this EUA.

See Full FDA VRBPAC Panel Discussion: Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee 10/26/21 here:

See Slides for FDA VRBPAC Committee presentation:

See Steve Kirsch Presentation: False Narrative Takedown Series, Covid Vaccines have killed over 200,000 Americans

Who is Steve Kirsch?
Steve Kirsch is Executive Director of the Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund and is the CEO of the M10 Networks, which develops digital money technology for banks and central banks. He is the inventor of the optical mouse and one of the first Internet search engines, Infoseek. As the founder of 7 high tech companies, two with billion-dollar market caps, Steve is focused on modernizing payment infrastructure. He has a BS/MS in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT.

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