Daggerfall Playthrough Part 7 - Joining the Thieves Guild, Soul of a Lich, The Wayrest Painting

3 years ago

Right away, I get two messages delivered to me: #1 - I found a zombie that has a stitching on its body from the King of Worms--He wants to meet with me again. #2 - A woman hands me a letter from the thieves guild-I did this one first as there is a time limit on it.

Joining the Thieves Guild:
I received a letter accusing me of being a thief and giving me the opportunity to join the guild by stealing some boots to show that I can follow orders. I steal the boots and meet some character who pays me with a gold coin and membership in the guild. Also, I get a dungeon map. The guild offers various services and quests as well as training in thievery skills such as lock-picking, stealth and backstabbing (among others). This is your only opportunity to join and you cannot rejoin if you leave or are kicked out. Any guild in town is secret to the population but marked on your map for you to find.

Soul of a Lich: 8:20
I visit the King of Worms in Scourg Barrow in the Dragontail Mountains. He wants me to explore Castle Sentinel and look for the Ghost of Prince Karolis (great grandfather of King Cameron). If I capture him and bring him back to the King of Worms, he'll tell me something only the dead know.

20:15 - The lich is behind some force-fields deep under Castle Sentinel. You have to pull some levers in the order I do it in the video.

The Wayrest Painting:
On my way to visiting the KoW, I got another letter from Queen Akorithi looking for some help. Prince Lhotun has recommended me for a job. After capturing the lich in her Castle, I stop by and talk to her on the way out 29:00 (I probably shouldn't mention the ghost in my pocket). She wants me to infiltrate Castle Wayrest (these royals love hiding things under their castles) and look for a painting.

33:35 - I return to the King of Worms to hear his story.

36:15 - I head to Wayrest to look for the painting.

At the 43:00 mark, I encounter a 'window' that I have to climb through in this dungeon--It is a HUGE pain in the butt. I don't know how many times I got stuck and had to reload but I did find that the best method was to crouch first and then climb the wall. Sometimes you have to 'wiggle' a bit. With a little luck and a LOT of patience you'll make it through. Then you get to do it again on the way back.

Once you find the painting, SAVE THE GAME. Then look at it and reload. That way, you can lie to the queen when she asks if you looked at it, otherwise she'll know that you did and you'll experience a reputation drop. Basically, the painting shows and assassination of a Daggerfall man by a Wayrest man inside of a tent.

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