In 2015 we spoke about what is relevant to our world today.

2 years ago

Each and every panel speaker offered amazing insight and information to help tie together all the issues adversely affecting our health and planet. Please take the time to listen, even if you have to pause it and keep coming back and research all the information presented, we are in this world TOGETHER and the video in 2015 is relevant to everything that's happening today as it is unfolding as described in my co-panelist Steve Gronka's segment.

“United we stand, divided we fall” applies to all the world’s citizens as it’s us against the tyrannical globalists that profit at the expense of our collective health and well being. It was an honor and a privilege to have been included as one of the six panel speakers on TLB-TV Wednesday September 30, 2015.

We are indoctrinated from birth and every aspect of this existence, and must break free from it to think for ourselves. Disinformation is strong in the mainstream to prevent public outcry, meaning that only our voices together in unison can truly effect change.

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