Coal heavy Australia sets 2050 zero-emission target, but no legislation | DW News

2 years ago

Australia is set to reduce emissions 35% below 2005 levels by 2030, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Tuesday.

The country, however, did not outline a strategy for achieving the goal and will not commit to such a target at the United Nations climate conference in Scotland later this week.

As one of the world's top producers of coal and gas, Australia has long been under fire for its climate policy. It refused to join other countries in pledging to meet the net zero carbon emissions target ahead of the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow from October 31 to November 12.

The country on Tuesday said it will not pass legislation on the goal. Instead, Australia will rely on consumers and companies to drive emission reductions. The government said it will achieve the target through technology development, with an investment worth 20 billion Australian dollars ($15 billion) aimed at reducing costs of technologies such as clean hydrogen.

The Australian leader has been under political pressure over climate change. While a wider section of the population wants to see action on climate change, Morrison needs the support of rural voters, many of whom oppose the measures required to reduce emissions.

A recent poll released Monday showed Morrison is on course to lose to the center-left Labor party in an election that must take place by May next year.

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