APACT: 2021/10/20 - The French Church Scandal, The Synod Of Synods, Vigano Talks, Francis Nonsense

3 years ago

This week on A Podcast About Catholic Things, Eric (The Ambassador of Common Sense) and Dan (The Ambassador of Nonsense) discuss the latest goings-on in the church. This includes the latest French report on sexual abuse of minors by priests… something we can expect more of. Also big in the news, the 'Synod on Synodality' (I notice spell-scheck didn't recognize that word). Vigano talks more about the vaccine restrictions, and Pope Francis gives us more fat to chew.

In the news, earthquakes and drowning in Indonesia. Gangs kidnapping American missionaries. France acknowledges Paris Massacre of 1961. China sending men to live in space for 6 months. A new state of matter is discovered: electron quadruplets). Japan to start releasing radioactive water into Pacific. Muslim in Pakistan kills his family because his daughter married the wrong man. Muslims in Bangladesh riot and kill 4 people. US DOJ asks supreme court to stop Texas Heartbeat Bill. No audience for Olympics. Mount Aso erupts.

In the land of nonsense, Dan gets a new chair. New Zealand fires their wizard. White people posing nude at Dead Sea. Man catches giant hammerhead shark. Crude license plates outlawed in Maine. And a 4-year-old calls 911 to talk about toys.

Saint of the week: Saint Adjutor of Vernon

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