3 years ago

Net zero emissions means, as Craig Kelly says, zero jobs and zero future.

It is surely time Australians were protected from the ruin the elites would visit on the nation to achieve , as the Chief Scientist concedes,‘ virtually nothing ‘.

All they will achieve is a vast increase in the wealth of Beijing’s genocidal communist billionaires and their clients here.

For over two decades the politicians and other elites have betrayed the people, just as their class has done in America and Europe.

That is why they were united on one thing in American politics. Donald Trump had to go, by hook or by crook.

Why? The answer is self-evident. It was because he was the one Western leader with the strength, moral conviction and character to stand up to and turnback the communists.

Fully informed about the criminal advantages the Chinese communist economy enjoys─ workers without rights, slave labour, and abuse of the environment ─ the elites have long been prepared to sacrifice workers’ jobs and hand over domestic manufacturing. They became accessories after the fact to the communists’ inevitable breaches of trade law and their outrageous theft of intellectual property.

In Australia, the elites even allowed the acquisition by controlled entities of a string of premium and even strategic assets, while tolerating and indeed encouraging the consequential enrichment of former politicians and other elites .

At the same time they made the farmers pay for their promises by freezing vast acres of their land without compensation.

Once agin the politicians will make the farmers, workers and miners pay for their folly. Electricity prices will as in Europe rise even more and become less reliable , as food and housing become more expensive and manufacturing a thing of the past.

We cannot allow the politicians to sell out this country.

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