DISGUSTING! Fauci Okays Torturing Puppies?! Enough Is Enough! | Guest: Chad Prather | 10/25/21

2 years ago

Dr. Anthony Fauci is under fire again after the White Coat Waste Project, the nonprofit organization that first pointed out that U.S. taxpayers were being used to fund the controversial Wuhan Institute of Virology, exposed cruel puppy experiments. These experiments included cutting the puppies' vocal cords and then letting them be eaten by disease-causing parasites. All dogs might go to heaven, but Dr. Fauci definitely will not. Florida educators tied a mask to a disabled student for six weeks without parental consent. On top of that, the student had already been given a medical exemption from wearing a mask. Are these teachers really acting in the best interest of their students, or is this another example of how little they care? Yale epidemiologist professor Dr. Harvey Risch says he would pull kids from public school before forcing them to get vaccinated. Seems like the experts would agree with the parents when it comes to what’s best for the children. We’re joined in-studio by Chad Prather, BlazeTV host of "The Chad Prather Show."

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