Absolute Power Over Money

2 years ago

Become the one that rules money, not the one that money rules.

How many times in your life have you limited yourself and made decisions based on money?

How many times have you been told in your life that it’s wrong to want more? That it’s just greedy, shallow and materialistic.

That’s complete bull.

You were meant to have the life you want, to do the impossible.

your soul is not wrong, your desires are not wrong, God wasn’t wrong when he put them there in you.

Because you were put on this earth to expand and desire more until you die.

Stop talking yourself out of what you want because of programming, because of the fear of not fitting in or not being loved.

That it’s hard.

Well dream with me for a moment.

What would your life look like if you were rich?

What would it look like if you were rich because you expressed what was in your soul and loved what you did every day, and you made a difference?

Where would you live? What kind of house would you live in? What kind of clothing would you wear? what kind of food would you eat? What kind of things would you do just for fun? What kind of people do you surround yourself with?

What do you feel like when you wake up in the morning? What are you grateful for? What kind of things do you think of? What is this version of you get to do every day? How are you serving others?

Who would you BE?

The stories of the past are only a piece of the puzzle that is you, they don’t have to be your identity now.

Don’t let your perception of lack around money stop you from being all you want to be in this lifetime.

Because there is no lack of money, there is only the match of the frequency you are sending out.

I want to help you go from good to great.

I want you to have absolute power over money, not be the one that money has absolute power over.

This will take deep rewiring of the synopsis of the mind-heart connection.

To help you take your power back so that you’re more in sync with what you desire and less with your fears.

Because the strongest energy always wins.

I want to invite you to be part of a new money consciousness, a new era where we normalize money in the hands of women.

As you unapologetically tune into and sync up with your desires, the energy compounds and builds and your magnetism becomes supernatural.

This is the Fortune Frequency.

Join me if you have a desire to rise and want expansive energy to calibrate to.

Join me if you never want to ask money permission for anything ever again.

Join me if you are ready to go from mediocre to extraordinary.

It’s time to reframe your financial situation, to dream in the feminine energy and apply the masculine energy of action to go for it, without it having to be a certain way, to trust and know, that you ARE all that you need to be, to have everything you’ve ever wanted.

You are so worthy. So enough.

The Fortune Frequency starts next week.

Early bird pricing, upon request, is available until midnight on June 1st.

Can you feel it? I’m so excited!

With all the love in my heart,

Simone xx




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