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Election Integrity Rally with Josh Mandel, Patriot America & Special Guest Jenna Ellis - 10/25/2021

3 years ago

Jenna Ellis is a constitutional law attorney and the former Senior Legal Advisor and Counsel to President Donald J. Trump. She’s the author of The Legal Basis for a Moral Constitution, a book arguing that the Constitution of the United States can only be interpreted in accordance with the Bible.


  • 0/2000
  • FK Joe Biden TRUMP is my President.

  • you still will be ignorant in your eternal bliss. it has NOTHING to do with DEMS . REPS. THEY ARE A GREEDY GLOBALIST BUNCH BLOODSUCKERS THAT WANT YOU TO THINK YOU ARE ON A WINNING TEAM. but you lost 😣

  • One of the Rothchilds said before no matter who gets elected we win!

  • FJB

  • The old people in congress need to step down. And let the next generation have their turn.

    1 like
  • Another pep talk. Big deal. We need coordinated boycotts of all the companies that require covid-19 vaccinations and drive them out of business.

    1 like
  • It’s encouraging to see many veterans run for senate. America & the citizens within FIRST and I would entrust them to bring this agenda forward ahead of anyone else.

    1 like
  • Let’s go Brandon!!!

    1 like
  • If anyone lost their job over these unlawful Vaccines Mandates go to lc.org then click on Vaccine and fill out your paperwork Lawyers are taking up these Lawsuits.

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