Saint Stephen - Happiness & Joy (Official Video)

2 years ago

Track 3: Happiness & Joy
Album: I Love Life, I Love You
Genre: Rap/Hip Hop
Release: 04/06/2020
Follow the link to go to buy, stream, and more! Bonus track available at my website!

Regard one another as more important than yourself. Though he came as God's son, Jesus did not come to play God or assert himself over men. Instead, he was made in the likeness of men as a bond-servant and followed this principle with mankind, God's creation, with obedience to the point of sacrificial death. If God came to us as man, than we are capable of this dedication to each other as well.

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On and on and on
and on we go
Oh, no matter what we have why do we feel alone?
Happiness and Joy, what are those supposed to be?
Men have searched far and wide, where are the answers that we need?

Verse 1:
Once we knew the world was bigger
we had to claim our stake lest we become bitter
what makes us content, stable, strong
so many options to make us feel like we belong
Yet it all feels like sedatives
when your awake you’re still separated
all of life seems full of chemical additives
you’re not depressed, just frustrated

Ever find yourself sighing
as your mind begins crying
why does happiness feel like a ceremony
after the good times roll
you’re still so sad and still so lonely
How can one smile but lose hope?
No one can cope with this forever.
What is happiness?
We need to know so we can be severed
from this loneliness

Good news!
Happiness is not what you want it to be.
It has some objective reality.
It’s something you can give and receive
pleasure from circumstances, gifts, company
But pleasure is the key word
it doesn’t last
whether it’s a slow or quick burn
it’s gone too fast
Happy is something you choose to be
even in the face of adversity

It takes sweat to be full of love and charity
leave behind those lonely walls
walk down the halls of others
treat them like friends, like sisters, like people, like brothers
Have you ever heard “treat your neighbor as yourself?”
We can’t just take life in
the lights can still go dim
that’s where the difference between who you are now
and who you can be steps in

But we’re so stubborn
we say we can’t change
what we’ve become is ingrained
there’s no other perspective to take
that we’re special kinds of people that are burned and baked
Change will happen inevitably
you can choose how, incredibly
you’re not a variation on a theme
your music is beautiful
you’re immeasurable worth is irrefutable

Happiness is not enough
you’ve got yourself and life is tough
I hear you, I get it
but there’s no need to be narcissistic
living for yourself and your own interests
The reason you feel empty
could it be that you’re the one you live for?
with that mentality you’ll lose hope
start keeping score
it’s not you versus the world anymore
On and on and on
and on we go
Oh, no matter what we have why do we feel alone?
Happiness and Joy, what are those supposed to be?
Men have searched far and wide, where are the answers that we need?

Verse 2
Joy is inside, it’s a gladness of heart from God
hopeful, assured, not timid
there’s no prestige, compensation, accolades
through every trial it stays

Joy is content
except to serve, to give
whether a friend or stranger
joy keeps going in the face of shame and danger
it sees you for who you are
a person worth the time of day
each and everyday
peering through strength and weakness
it picks people up and says,
“I’ll walk with you through victories and bleakness.”

Joy has no hesitation, trepidation, cessation
resulting from resounding peace inside
from a flicker to a flame
it’s light remains
in truth I proclaim

If you only love those who love you
what good does it bring
that won’t build you up
politicians do the same thing
If you only greet your brothers
what more are you doing than others?
Do nothing out of selfishness, conceit
with humility of mind
pack some humble heat
treat others as more important than yourself
use your human heartbeat

living for yourself demands implosive ambition
let your drive for yourself change direction
from your inside out, reach out
send out a transmission
change is real
there’s no precondition

Happiness and Joy, now we know what they are.
Men have searched far and wide, who knew God had what we need?
References: Matthew 5:43-47, Philippians 2:3-8

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