3 years ago

DISCLAIMER: (Some minor violence PG-13)

-For those of you looking for a theological or eschatological argument; don't bother. This cartoon is made specifically for entertainment purposes. This cartoon is done in the same spirit as the Left Behind books. This is simply a fictitious account of the reality of the end times as described and foretold in the Bible. I in no way, shape, or form claim to know exactly how all the events regarding the end times will occur.

Ross Bugden “Apocolypse” Ross Bugden’s Youtube channel… https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQKG... Mattia Cupelli “Emotions (Life)” “Ascending” “I Never Sleep” “Dark Tension Rising Music” Mattia Cupelli’s Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqsG...

IN THE EPISODE: Now that Amabuu’s horns have been shown, he blatantly proclaims to be God. Christians are persecuted, and Vekl escapes from the grasps of thw G.P.

To my brothers and sisters in Christ. Those that believe that He is the Son of God, that He died and rose from the grave, that He is God, and that salvation is ONLY by His work and not by the keeping of the Law; I humbly ask of you to continue to pray for humility for me. That I would always continue to point the praise to God alone. And also that the zeal for this production would continue until the end. The prayers have already been answered, but I ask of you when you have the time, please take just a few seconds (or however long you feel convicted) to pray this for me. I would truly appreciate it. God bless you, brethren!

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