Tripped Up?

2 years ago

I know exactly what God has said and I know that what He says He means. God’s spoken world across all of our human generations is a truth that comes into being. No Doubt About It. What God Speaks Is Completed! He is a finisher. Doubt derails me from this amazing connection that I have with truth and opens the door for the enemy to wreak havoc in my soul. Why God Why? This is question dripping in a doubt that ushers in disillusionment, discouragement and despair. Doubt has that way of tripping us up and causing us to stumble into a pit the enemy has dug just for us. Doubt is a formidable enemy, don’t underestimate the power of our enemy to use doubt to ensnare us in his traps. Do you find yourself being tripped up by doubt lately, over and over again? Remember this: What God has said, the Truth He has spoken, it will come into being, it has been this way throughout all the days of life on this earth and before. The Word of God, the Truth of God has been, and will be forever, nothing extinguishes it. So, if your soul is covered up in doubt, recall the truth. What is it that you know? What is the truth that you and I know? Rehearse the truth that you know. What does that mean practically? Well, let’s do it together right now, rehearse the universal truth that we know about God, the common denominator of our lives. Rehearse The Truth: God is with us. God is for us. God is mighty in us. God never leaves us, never forsakes us to the will of our enemy. God is kind. God is just. God is merciful. God forgives us. God has given us a future and a hope. God’s word will never be extinguished. God equips us for every day. God finishes what He starts. God’s purpose in our challenge is mighier than the challenge itself. God is great. God is a deliverer. God is a way-maker. Need I go on? Because I could go on and on and on, that is how great our God is. Doubt can’t possibly stand in the face of the Truth of Who our God is. When doubts assail you, recall the Truth of God, remember Who God is and speak it into the space of your soul doubt is trying to fill. Truth causes the doubt to flee and the confidence of truth, the assurance, the security of truth, not only chases doubt out, but replaces it with courage that can stand the tests and trials of your next moment into your next choice. Choose Truth. Think on these things, God’s way, truth and life. If we are soul saturated with God’s truth, doubt will have no space, no place in our lives. Dig Deeper:

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