3 years ago

Archangel Michael "ON AIR" Show Episode #61

On today's show we will be discussing, Jophiel's and I, visit to "GOATMAN'S BRIDGE" in Denton, Texas.

Before I begin let me make this "Perfectly Clear"!!! Besides me being a minister, and preacher for Jesus Christ. My job is to hunt down demons, and to destroy them period!!!

Some of you have a problem with that, and for the record: " I DON'T GIVE A RAT'S ASS WHAT YOU FEEL, THINK, or BELIEVE"!!!

At least I am doing something, for the better good of humanity!!! And if I don't do it, who's going to do it??? "YOU THE NAYSAYER"!!!😂🤣

Instead of trolling my page, and trying to bash me for doing what is right!!!

Look at yourself in the mirror, and ask yourself what have you done lately for Jesus Christ, and the better good for humanity??? Besides trying to bash, and troll Archangel Michael???

I will address these issues on tomorrow show, once and for all....

Now back to the story at hand. Jophiel and I surveyed the area, to prepare us for the hunt on Halloween Night, when demons are at their peak in activity...

Our goal is to flush the demon out, and destroy it. With all the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding that has been entrusted to me, to show you, and the world.

That you are not defenseless, and the second part of your lesson.

Jesus gave you the Power and Authority. On how to bind, and protect yourselves from demonic oppression. From the principalities, that control your world.

But Jesus never showed you how to destroy them, and this is why I was sent in these times to show you how to successfully destroy them, once and for all....

"In Jesus I Trust, With Jesus I Stand."
Archangel Michael

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