THE CATECHISM OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH (50pts) ~ Pt. 31: Reality of Sin and Human Vocation

2 years ago

"With one act it is possible to commit a Mortal Sin thus severing your relationship with God.. now,once it happens don't go into despair, you go to God and say 'Lord have mercy on me, I am sorry, I messed up, I sinned'.. you know what you have to do and you do it, and God forgives us. Never doubt God's Mercy.. that's an insult to God! If your sins be greater than the universe.. if you took all the Sin from beginning to end, put it all together, synthesized it, condensed it, distilled it.. it would be less than one drop in the infinite ocean of God's Mercy. So never be discouraged, but neither should we doubt or deny the Reality of Sin, it is very, very real. Now you know we can sin in many different ways. We can sin by participating directly and voluntarily in sins, we've talked about that.. but you can also sin by; ordering, advising, praising, or approving of someone else's sin. Someone who knows it and tells someone else to have an abortion, advising someone else to go ahead and do it.. that person is participating in the sin of another, facilitating, condoning the sin of another, confirming the sin of another.. that's sin in itself. By not disclosing or not hindering a person when we have an obligation to do so. We have to have that attitude of Christ, which is such that though its true that people don't have knowledge, and that reduces their responsibility, their objective culpability.. but I tell you what, I've got to shout from the rooftops 'Brother! Jesus loves you.. Sister! don't do that, it's hurting you!'.. they're gonna have knowledge when we get through. And so you want to go before God and you don't want to have their sin on your head. Can you imagine if I conducted this course and I didn't talk about these things.. imagine if I was afraid.. 'Oh the people might not like me if I mention these things, therefore I will avoid all difficult things, I will talk eloquently and nicely about kind of indifferent things'.. and make them all feel good..!! Many of you would drift off into some serious sin.. I would never know about it.. I would get up before the Just Judge when I die, and He would give me a list of 252,000 people who went into serious sin because I didn't do my job. My fault!.. they might get off because of ignorance but I wouldn't.. and I'm not going to Hell for you or anybody else."

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