Dr Julie Ponesse, PhD. Ethics & Philos. Uni. professor

2 years ago

Dr Julie Ponesse, PhD. Department of Ethics & Philosophy professor at the University of Western Ontario, Canada.

Julie is a professor of twenty years and a mother.
Her story is of an infraction of immense proportions on the human rights of every person in our world.

Why would or should any employer, private or public sector have ANY right or reason to coerse an employee to put an experimental, trial medicine in their body just to work there.

There is so much evidence now and so many established adverse affects and deaths in official record that no individual, company, organisation or government can justify attempting to force someone to do that.

"It is ethically wrong to impose an experimental medical procedure as a condition of employment."

This is her story.
The end is a severe, painful lesson ahead for all of us if we don't stand up for our natural rights as human beings.

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