Isaiah Meanderings (7): Ch 5 i/ii - Confronting Hard-Hearted Bullies

2 years ago

In Isaiah 5, Isaiah sings a song that sounds like a familiar love song, until it hits the part about Wild Grapes. Wild Grapes are not a familiar part of the love song. Then, again, it is not really a love song. It is a heart-break song of a God who will no longer provide cover to a greedy, self-referencing, prideful people. Their arrogance that has them thinking they are beyond any accountability will be meeting a very real God, who is entirely able to let this people, He so uniquely loves, find out what life on their own truly is like. God in God's passion responds to a people to whom He has devoted everything and with whom He will remain faithful as their eyes are opened to the fruit of their own lies..

Please note: I start to discuss a play on words in Isaiah 5:7 - but then I do not complete my thought. The word for justice is Mishpat that is familiar sounding to the word used here for 'blood shed'. And the word righteousness (tzedek) sounds similar to the word 'cry'.

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