Basic Puppy Training – Tips, Tricks and Techniques

2 years ago

Rumble / Dog training -
Having a puppy join your family is one of the most exciting moments of dog ownership.

Watching a young dog explore the world, learn many new things every day and become your best friend is a rewarding and wonderful experience. There are many firsts along the way:

The first walk, the first swim, the first time playing fetch, the first night spent without a potty break, the first time the dog catches a frisbee, the first time you take him to your favorite restaurant patio, the first time he comes with you to visit your family.

Puppies are cute and funny – but they can also drive you crazy. It is a good thing they are adorable when they chew up your headphones, have accidents on the expensive rug in your living room or bark wildly at an imaginary intruder in the middle of the night.

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