A Nurse - Social Worker & Construction Worker speak out at Perth's Freedom Rally 16th October 21

2 years ago

REAL People - REAL Stories from the street's of Perth , Western Australia - Freedom Day Rally, Saturday 16th October 2021.

Listen to 3 people's views on what the rally meant to them and the impacts as a result of Premier Mark McGowan's, No Jab - No Job mandate.

Australia's National and Tax payer funded broadcaster - the ABC, quoted the number of attendee's as "2000". I can say, it took considerable effort to navigate through the crowd to speak to those that were happy to do so, as it was jammed packed in Perth's Forrest Place.

The REAL numbers easily estimated as being +10,000, the question arises -Why would the ABC understate the numbers in attendance?

In relation to AHPRA - screen flash credits to Dr Elisabeth Taylor where you can read her article about APHRA and it's overreach to Health Care Professionals by following this link :



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