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Beethoven meets Tchaikovsky

3 years ago

"Beethoven meets Tchaikovsky" is a charming tune written and performed by W.K. Chan, otherwise known as Wicky77. His full name comes out a bit awkward in English, but I can't help that. Although born in the Netherlands his entire family comes from Hong Kong. Names in foreign languages can quite often something offensive when viewed from a different language.

Now "The Fairy Tale" project, both the original game as the REVAMPED edition have more tunes written by artists dedicated to the project than any other games of mine (although even The Fairy Tale has some tunes by CC artists such as Kevin McLeod and Eric Matyas), and "Beethoven meets Tchaikovsky" is one of them.

The track is primarily featured in the "Magic Subspace" dungeon, otherwise known as "The Path of Magic", which is Marrilona's prologue dungeon.

Now W.K. Chan was not really into classical music, but he did base this tune a bit some things pretty typical in classic music, and he modernized this a bit, hence the more electronic nature of the song. As he was not really into classical music he asked me to name two classical composers and the first two names that came to mind were Ludwig van Beethoven and Pjotr Tchaikovsky, and kaboom the name of the tune was born.

The mood of the song seemed pretty much fit to me for a rather surreal environment so it was very quickly decided that this song would be featured in Marrilona's prologue dungeon, which it does in all versions of this game, and if after the current Apollo version I would ever see the need to recreate this game for whatever reason, it will likely also have this tune in that specific dungeon.

Although this tune is not really a "masterpiece" it does what it has to do, and somehow I like this tune pretty much myself.


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