LGBTQ Historical Timeline Mapped Out

3 years ago

Timeline Of The LGBTQ

Gnostic belief Vampires were originally created by using tantrism to do same-sex magic
Sodom and Gomorrah, gangstalker men demanded sex with men of Lot's house
Atlantis and The Great Flood
Term coined by Karl Ulrichs 1869 (Communism and Darwinism were twins, born at the same time in the same place: Origin of the Species, published in 1859, in London. Communist Manifesto, published 1848, in German, but in London as well. (The term "Homosexuality" was born in Germany around 1869, coined by Karl Heinrick Ulrichs.)
Nazis promoted homosexuality to anyone except their race
"Homosexuality" becomes a term in the Bible around 1950, Zeus
Hippy Movement of the 60's (VW) Sexual Liberation Movement
Gay was still used as an ultimate insult in the 80's
In the last 20 years it's become so you have to be an in-the-closet-heterosexual to be socially accepted

Present Day

Use right pronouns or can't get work
Mirrored bathroom walls, surveillance and gay 007s
Being anti-LGBTQ is illegal
Paedosexuality is now a thing in Germany, Biden, Trudeau, ...
Shinanigans That Mix Pronouns: Eggs, Reeses Hershey, Filipino, Hurley, Chiquita, ...
Racial Shinanigans "All the colors of the rainbow", DeGeneRUs
(Netflix to painted rainbows on sidewalks LGBTQ is literally everywhere, with no opposition. I don't know of a single person in Calgary that doesn't defend everything LGBTQ, or anything anywhere here that is openly anti-LGBTQ. As far as I know I'm the only person in Calgary, Canada who is and does anything to oppose the LGBTQ agenda. The only people I can now find are orthodox Jews and the odd person on social media.)

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